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Nevrokopli Vasiliki

Vasiliki was born in Thessaloniki οn 1968. She studied theater and pedagogy at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. From 2007 up to now she has published eighteen books.

“If you love them they'll be back”
Greek IBBY Award 2008; DIAVAZO magazine, 2008.
“The Tales of Kallistratos” (Children’s book series)
Annie Vallotton Award, the United Bible Societies, Seoul Korea, 2015.
The Marbled Furies (novel)
2nd Award on the 3rd International Contest “The Parthenon Marbles: the story of the theft or theft of history”,
Asociaci'on Cultural Hel'enica Nostos of Argentina, 2011.
“The fairytale of the music”
Candidate for Greek National Award 2008. It was also performed as a musical show in eminent halls around the world: Lincoln Center (New York), Bernhard Theater (Zurich), Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Werkraum Schoepflin (Lo¨rach), Athens Concert Hall and Putzbrunn Cultural Center (Munich).
“The Little gladiator”
GREEK IBBY Award 2019 in the category of “teen-youth”.
